Prof. Dr. Janicke Kirksaeter, Partner Management

Janicke joined E:E in 2020, as a Management Partner, handling the projects allocation and interim management. Janicke is the de-facto Head of People and Culture in E:E Consulting, making an amazing contribution to building an inclusive, professional and people-oriented culture within the company.

Her journey has a lot to do with the question of where you can make a meaningful contribution to society – a question that concerns us all when it comes to the topic of renewable energies.

Originally professionalized from classic consulting (strategy, organization, sales), she later specialized in andragogy and was then a professor for HR and organizational development responsible for the academic education of bachelor and master students at Heidelberg University of applied science.

From here, she was Head of Personnel Development for an established family business with around 1200 employees, responsible for strategically implementing HR development, and talent scouting and she steered the company-wide training of all managers in lean management/improvement kata. She has given lectures on this at Universities, HR congresses, as well as member companies in the lean circle.

To successfully implement lean management in a company, one has to work actively on individual mindsets and specific factors of the corporate culture – precisely Janicke’s home base. As a certified mediator, systemic business, and team coach, she has been supporting medium-sized companies in fundamental transformation processes towards productivity and collaboration. The overarching theme of her work is sustainability.

Janicke studied economics at the University of St. Gallen and later sociology at the University of Heidelberg, and did her Ph.D. in business education and psychology on the subject of entrepreneurship at the University of Rostock. The result-oriented combination of theory and practice has always been crucial to her.

For this reason, she recently founded the IFES, in addition to her commitment to E:E Consulting. The IFES, Institute for Empirical Social Research, is an interdisciplinary research community for sustainability, common welfare, and good collaboration, with the intention of providing young talents (Master, PhD’s) with a practical connection for their scientific activities. The overarching goal is to contribute to an economically, ecologically, and socially more sustainable society.

Janicke was born in Norway and lives in Oslo most of the year. In her spare time she rides a motorbike, organizes exhibitions for local painters and takes part in sailing regattas in the Oslofjord … rumored to have even met King Harald V that way … because King Harald is a passionate sailer, personally taking part in regattas at the age of over 80 years.

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